My Story
I am a midwife and a mother of five. My life was permanently changed when my son became seriously ill in 2015. I was working at the high risk pregnancy ward at the hospital and my son, an athlete and a horse trainer was doing great and life was good. Then it happened, six weeks hospitalization, three weeks in the ICU but no diagnosis. My life collapsed and turned into a constant battle with the healthcare system. For three years, when I woke up, I didn´t know if my son was still alive. Constant stress, anxiety and frustration. I crashed and was diagnosed with PTSD and lost my job. I was stuck in a nightmare.
My purpose and passion is to help you Cope, Recover and RISE. No matter where you are on your healing journey, never, ever give up! I am a living proof that you can transform your life and experience love, joy, happiness and inner peace, no matter what you have been through.
I have decades of experience helping women through pregnancy and childbirth, joy and pain as well as loss, sorrow and trauma. I am also certified in the healing modality RIM (Regenerating Images in Memory) and a certified success coach.
I am here to help you release the past and embrace tomorrow – be unbreakable!
Create a life you love and deserve!